@article{oai:mizuho.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000308, author = {中林, 恭子 and NAKABAYASHI, Kyoko and 後藤, 和史 and GOTOW, Kazufumi}, issue = {12}, journal = {瀬木学園紀要, Segigakuen Kiyo}, month = {}, note = {In this research, students examined which method of using educational counseling, pupils’ guidance, school counseling, and health consultation activities is preferable for the problems of pupils. It was analyzed how each role was perceived. As a result, the students made choices that seemed reasonable through their own experiences, learning at universities. However, in order not to know the original meaning and purpose of each, understanding about educational counseling consideration, active aspects of pupils guidance, health counseling consideration do not understand, tendency of one-sided way of showing is shown it was. In addition, it was suggested that the expertise associated with the progress of teacher education is increased from the change of the recognition structure of consultation activities by teacher education. Meanwhile, it was also suggested that mismatch between the rise in expertise and the actual feeling of users (students).}, pages = {14--30}, title = {学生が捉える教育相談の役割 ―生徒指導,健康相談活動,カウンセリングと比較して―}, year = {2018}, yomi = {ナカバヤシ, キョウコ and ゴトウ, カズフミ} }