@article{oai:mizuho.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000316, author = {原, 友美 and HARA, Tomomi}, issue = {12}, journal = {瀬木学園紀要, Segigakuen Kiyo}, month = {}, note = {Listening various sounds in their daily life, children are encouraged to make handmade instruments using personal belongings. They began to communicate each other listening to the other’s sounds. The author tried to select teaching materials suitable for those instruments. For children, it is important to enjoy playing instruments before performing instrumental ensemble at the nursery. They began to understand the timbre as well as the name of the instruments. When playing the musical tunes, an arrangement of the appropriate instruments is a must. These tunes such as [Amefuri] [Tanabata] [Aiai] were chosen for the performance. The author was surprised to listen to an excellent performance of [Hungarian Dances, No.5] by children at Christmas concert of a nursery. It is advisable for children to select the classical music with a contrast such as strong parts as well as quite ones. Teacher’s accompaniment and conduct are necessary. In conclusion, good communications via musical sounds make the children perform good instrumental ensemble at the nurseries.}, pages = {83--88}, title = {幼児期における領域「表現」の「奏でること」に関する一考察 -保育所での実践から-}, year = {2018}, yomi = {ハラ, トモミ} }