@article{oai:mizuho.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000341, author = {玉木, 博章 and TAMAKI, Hiroaki and 倉田, 梓 and KURATA, Azusa}, issue = {13}, journal = {瀬木学園紀要, Segigakuen Kiyo}, month = {}, note = {Nagoya Women’s University, In this study (1), based on qualitative research, it became clear how female child care persons perceived their work and how they formed their own careers. However, since the study (1) converged on their marriage view, life design and choice related to employment, career change, and separation, it was not concluded that concrete conflicts regarding career formation in working and feelings on the situation as a childcare worker. Therefore, in this study (2), in order to compensate for these points, the focus is how female childcare workers are working to form a career while recognizing marriage and childbirth. In addition, it was considered not only to work as a childcare professional but also to live as a childcare professional. In other words, it is a study highlighting how she positions the current career as a childcare worker in life and life as a whole. This paper is a three-part composition. In section 1, the relation with the previous manuscript and the previous research on this paper are summarized. In section 2, the content of the qualitative survey conducted for the two young childcare persons is shown. In section 3 the summary of this paper and the challenge to the next article is stated.}, pages = {44--53}, title = {指導主体としての保育士・幼稚園教諭のキャリア形成に関する研究(2) ―保育者として「生活する」心理的葛藤のなかに現れるジェンダー観に着目して―}, year = {2018}, yomi = {タマキ, ヒロアキ and クラタ, アズサ} }