@article{oai:mizuho.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000351, author = {髙田, 理衣 and Rie, TAKADA and 安念, 保昌 and ANNEN, Yasumasa}, issue = {14}, journal = {瀬木学園紀要, Segigakuen Kiyo}, month = {}, note = {Opportunities for observing parents caring for small children and helping parents have decreased in recent times, because of the increase in nuclear families, the declining number of siblings and decreased interactions in local communities. It would be useful to investigate correlations among these factors to identify suggestions for supporting the social development of contemporary young people. Factors related to the environment in which a person was raised (14 items), attachment factors (19 items), and effects of the differences in childhood environment on readiness for parenthood required for becoming parents (26 items) were investigated. Students of seven schools (N=1,396) that gave their informed consent participated in the study. Among them, valid 1,025 data were analyzed. Covariance structure analysis revealed the overall structure: In females, the social factor had a direct impact on “affirmative attitudes toward becoming parents” with some bypassed effects of a person’s self-image and image of others. On the other hand, in males there is no such direct impact on any factor among readiness for parenthood. Only negative self-image affects “sympathetic responsiveness to children” and “affinity for parents”. It is discussed that experiencing extrovert socialization as a result of relationships with friends and family might have provided opportunities for developing trust in parents under different effect of attachment factors between genders.}, pages = {3--12}, title = {親になるための共感性におよぼす性と愛着要因の影響-養育環境とのかかわりにおいて-}, year = {2019}, yomi = {タカダ, リエ and アンネン, ヤスマサ} }