@article{oai:mizuho.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000652, author = {藤井, 栄子 and FUJII, Eiko and 土田, 満 and TSUCHIDA, Mitsuru}, issue = {21}, journal = {瀬木学園紀要, Segigakuen Kiyo}, month = {}, note = {A survey was conducted among laughter yoga leaders and teachers nationwide todetermine the feasibility of implementing laughter yoga for the mentally challenged. Based on the experience of the practitioners, 95% ofthem answered that laughter yoga is useful for the mentally challenged. In addition, 98% said they thought it would develop, indicating high expectations for conducting laughter yoga with persons with mental disabilities. Although the practitioners tried various ways to deal with the mentally challenged, the responses were not uniform, indicating the difficulty of dealing with them. It was suggested that there is a need for practitioners to have opportunities to learn about mental disorders, and for evidence to be accumulated through research conducted in a scientific manner.}, pages = {31--40}, title = {笑いヨガ実施者の視点からみた精神障がい者への応用に関する検討}, year = {2022}, yomi = {フジイ, エイコ and ツチダ, ミツル} }